- Architecture and school space Francisco Javier Rodríguez Méndez, Carlos Manique da Silva 11-19
Special Issue
- El espacio escolar como objeto histórico: una trayectoria intelectual Antonio Viñao Frago 21-48
- Architecture and Pedagogy in France: 1970, an aborted revolution Anne-Marie Chatelet 49-111
- The “house of school” in the in the first decades of Roma Capitale Lorenzo Cantatore 113-147
- “Classes always go from here to there”: continuities and transformations in the spaces designed for primary schools in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (1883-1928) Tatiane de Freitas Ermel 149-178
- “Open air school” – A “new” space for educational school reform and life reform in the interwar period in Czechoslovakia (Sudeten German and Czech examples) Tomas Kasper 179-215
- Raul Lino and the decorative program of the Primary School of Alcântara – Lisboa (1917) Carlos Miguel Manique da Silva 217-248
- Social and educational movements and their impact on the school building programme in Budapest in around 1900 Imre Garai, András Németh 249-284
- The early dawn of Spanish school architecture (1869-1886) Francisco Javier Rodríguez Méndez 285-374
- From «School Buildings» to «School Architecture» – School Technicians, Grand School Buildings and Educational Architecture in Prussia and the USA in the Nineteenth Century Daniel Töpper, Fanny Isensee 375-423
Historical Researches
- Traveling the South Sea … Of toponymy and historical cartography Georgina Maria Esther Aguirre Lora 427-453
- The School Children of Mining Workers of Almaden. An example of manjonian teaching Emiliano Almansa Rodriguez, Angel Manuel Hernández Sobrino 455-502
- Camp Manual of the Spanish Youth Front (Frente de Juventudes), editions of 1943 and 1948: variations around the political culture and the discipline of the bodies in Franco’s Spain Emilio Castillejo Cambra 503-540
- Víctor Fraiz Villanueva. Process to the FETE and the republican school Narciso De Gabriel Fernández 541-578
- Argentina and Spain: Argentinean youth and Physical Culture representations in No-Do images Eduardo Galak 579-609
- Training and written culture: the books of the land surveyor Francisco Falcón (1764) Amparo García Cuadrado 611-634
- Modesto Bargalló in Spain (1894-1939): A biography between the history of education and the history of science Luis Moreno Martínez 635-674
- Exploring the potential of cultural historical activity theory for understanding change in education: lessons from a historical case study of leadership in an Irish school Tom O’Donoghue, Gerardine Neylon 675-695
- Of networks, hierarchies and conspiracies, or how a historic neoconservative bestseller is made Antonio Viñao Frago 699-724
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Pierre Porcher-Ancelle (30 août 2021). Parution – “Architecture and School Space”, revue Historia y Memoria de la Educación, No. 13 (2021). LE PUPITRE · HISTOIRE DE L'ÉDUCATION. Consulté le 25 janvier 2025 à l’adresse