- The history of mathematics education in Latin America Dolores Carrillo Gallego, José Manuel Matos, Encarna Sánchez Jiménez, Wagner Rodrigues Valente 11-24
Special Issue
- History of mathematics education, objectified knowledge and the constitution of a discipline Maria Cristina Araújo de Oliveira 25-49
- Analysis of the prefaces of the algebraic texts published in Spain during the 16th century Jose M. Muñoz-Escolano, Antonio M. Oller-Marcén 51-85
- Mutis and the Introduction of Analytic Method in Colombia Luis Carlos Arboleda 87-112
- The analytical geometry in the Curso completo de matemáticas puras (1829) by José de Odriozola Isabel María Sánchez Sierra, María Teresa González Astudillo 113-149
- The Didactic Suggestions into a Textbook of Arithmetic for Teacher Training in Normal Sections in Costa Rica in the Nineteenth Century Miguel Evelio Picado Alfaro, Jonathan Espinoza González 151-190
- The Algebra Textbook for the 3rd cycle of liceus (1950): reflections based on the critiques of its approval Mária Cristina Almeida 191-214
- Problem Solving as necessary knowledge for teacher training – Mathematics for teaching Rosilda dos Santos Morais 221-254
Historical Researches
- Between dream and reality: The rehabilitation of war-disabled Belgian soldiers, 1914 – 1921 Pieter Verstraete 257-280
- Conflicts over the admission policy of the University of Costa Rica during the 1950s Iván Molina Jiménez 281-315
- Textual supports of collective memory: the «transition to democracy» in Argentinean history high school text books at the beginning of 21st century Jorge Rolland 317-354
- Theory and Project in Repullés and Vargas: Living memory of educational architectures Pablo Campos Calvo-Sotelo, Blanca Muro García-Villalba 355-396
- Uses of Rationalist Pedagogy in Modern School Nº 1 of São Paulo (1913-1919) Douglas Bahr Leutprecht, Norberto Dallabrida 397-431
- Education, judiciary and Constitution, 1978-2018 (I). The single-sex schooling Antonio Viñao Frago 435-473
- Essay as academic writing and the production of projects and research Carin Cristina Dahmer, Angélica Neuscharank, Marilda Oliveira de Oliveira 475-499
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Pierre Porcher-Ancelle (30 août 2021). Parution – “The history of mathematics education in Latin America”, revue Historia y Memoria de la Educación, No. 11 (2020). LE PUPITRE · HISTOIRE DE L'ÉDUCATION. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse