- The Pedagogical Exile of 1939 Salomó Marquès i Sureda, José Ignacio Cruz Orozco 9-24
Special Issue
- The tough 1940s for the 1939 Republican Exile Jorge de Hoyos Puente 26-59
- The destruction of republican modernity. (Un)reasons for the Spanish Pedagogical Exile Juan Manuel Fernandez Soria 61-100
- When Franco Falls. Educational Proposals for Spain from Exile (1945) José Ignacio Cruz Orozco, María Sandra García de Fez 101-138
- The whole land belongs to men: Galician Teachers, Political Exile and Teaching Action Xosé Gregorio Ferreiro Fente 139-171
- Dominican scenes of the republican school in the exile, 1939-1945 Juan Bernardo Alfonseca Giner de los Rìos 173-215
- A young teacher exiled in France: Jacinto Luis Guereña (1939-1956) Jean-Louis Guereña 217-253
- Pedagogical Projection of María Luisa Navarro and Isabel Luzuriaga in the republican exile Ana Diamant, María Teresa Bejarano Franco 255-293
- The Union of Spanish Professors in Exile Jaume Claret Miranda 295-317
Historical Researches
- A Garden for Childhood. A Comeniana metaphor recreated in our times Georgina Maria Esther Aguirre Lora 319-341
- Central Subjects in Legislative Debates on the «Deslaicization» of Laic Education in México (1992-1993) Adelina Arredondo, Alejandro Ortiz Cirilo 343-377
- The professionalization of the Spanish economy Obdulia Torres González 379-412
- Education in traditional society: parents, children and teachers in El Secretario Alicia Díaz Balado 413-441
- The right to house room. The confrontation between teachers and the city council of Zaragoza during the Second Republic Héctor Vicente Sánchez 443-472
- Antón Alonso Ríos (1887-1980): Emigration, philanthropy, republicanism, repression and exile of a rural teacher Xosé M. Malheiro Gutiérrez 473-520
- Basque-language literacy in rural schools in the Basque Country (1900-1939) Joxe Garmendia Larrañaga, Iñaki Zabaleta Imaz, Hilario Murua Cartón 521-562
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pierre Porcher-Ancelle (30 août 2021). Parution – “The Pedagogical Exile of 1939”, revue Historia y Memoria de la Educación, No. 9 (2019). LE PUPITRE · HISTOIRE DE L'ÉDUCATION. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse