- Images, discourses and texts in history of Education. Current methodological challenges Sara Ramos Zamora, Ana Badanelli Rubio 9-16
Special Issue
- Images, History and Culture. Some current challenges Bernardo Riego Amezaga 17-49
- Photos found in the archive. An approximation to the work with images based on an amateur album about children’s games (Argentina, end of the 19th century Inés Dussel 51-129
- Racialized narratives in Dutch history textbooks: a critical race examination Maria Luce Sijpenhof 131-174
- A historical glance at different schools: theoretical and methodological perspectives (the example of the «INOVAR» project) Joaquim António Sousa Pintassilgo 175-212
- The personal diaries and the notes of the pedagogical travels of Rosa Sensat Vilà during the period 1908-1913: critical and conceptual analysis, contributions and debates Joan Soler Mata 213-236
- Ecclesiastical bulletins as a source for the history of primary education in Spain (1851-1931) Carmen Diego Pérez, Montserrat González Fernández 237-269
- Text and context. The National Museum of Decorative Arts as a source for the research in the History of Education María Villalba Salvador 271-308
- The personal files from public exams to become a headmaster of graded schools in 1932 as a source for history of education. A case study: the dossier of María Sánchez Arbós Carlos Menguiano Rodríguez 309-344
- Road Safety Education during the Franco Regime: the first Children’s Traffic Parks in Majorca (1962-1975) Gabriel Barceló Bauzà, Llorenç Gelabert Gual 345-379
- Exercise books in the fascist era as a medium for ideological propaganda and an educational tool: the case of the Parini elementary school in Turin (1938-1942) Maria Cristina Morandini 381-408
- The symbols of the National-Catholicism. A look at school photography during Francoism (1950-1959) Carlos Sanz Simón 409-449
Historical Researches
- The tragic week in Barcelona (1909) in school historiography: from Africanism to postmodernity Emilio Castillejo Cambra 451-486
- A pedagogical experience of the Progressive Education movement: Carmen Conde and the Orfanato Nacional de El Pardo (Spanish National Orphanage of El Pardo) Javier Fernández Fernández 487-523
- The achievement of the universal literacy in the High Nervion (Basque Country) Aketza Merino Zulueta 525-564
- Priestley’s Essay on a Course of Liberal Education (1764) and Jovellanos’s Memoria sobre la Educación Pública (1802): A comparative approach Alejandro Sell Maestro 565-596
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Pierre Porcher-Ancelle (30 août 2021). Parution – “Images, discourses and texts in history of Education. Current methodological challenges”, revue Historia y Memoria de la Educación, No. 10 (2019). LE PUPITRE · HISTOIRE DE L'ÉDUCATION. Consulté le 25 janvier 2025 à l’adresse