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Parution – History of Education, Volume 50, Issue 1 (2021)

John Amos Comenius as the prophet of modern ideas in science education: in the light of Pansophia

Gyeong-Geon Lee & Hun-Gi Hong

Who was going to become a teacher? The socio-economic background of primary school teachers in northern Sweden 1870–1950

Emil Marklund

Heißmeyer: Nazi education architect

Tim Mueller

Literacy education, ideology and politics: the case of Soviet and US military governments in the two Koreas

Sun Kim & Sungwoo Kang

Special Section How Cybernetics and Constructivism Inspired New Forms of Learning

Guest Editors: Barbara Hof and Jan Müggenberg

Human – learning – machines: introduction to a special section on how cybernetics and constructivism inspired new forms of learning

Barbara Hof & Jan Müggenburg

The turtle and the mouse: how constructivist learning theory shaped artificial intelligence and educational technology in the 1960s

Barbara Hof

From learning machines to learning humans: how cybernetic machine models inspired experimental pedagogies

Jan Müggenburg

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Pierre Porcher-Ancelle (31 août 2021). Parution – History of Education, Volume 50, Issue 1 (2021). LE PUPITRE · HISTOIRE DE L'ÉDUCATION. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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