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Parution – John L. Rury et Eileen H. Tamura (eds.), “The Oxford handbook of the history of education”, Oxford, 2019

This handbook offers a global perspective on the historical development of educational institutions, systems of schooling, ideas about education, and educational experiences. Sections deal with questions of theory and methods, ancient and medieval education, the rise of national school systems, the development of universities in different contexts, problems of inequality and discrimination in education, and reform and institutional change. Specific chapters discuss colonialism and anticolonial struggles, indigenous education, gender issues in education, higher education systems, educational reform, urban and rural education, the education of minority groups, comparative, international, and transnational education, childhood and education, nonformal and informal education, and a range of other topics. Chapters consider changing scholarship in the field, connect nationally oriented works by comparing themes and approaches, and provide suggestions for further research and analysis. Like many other subfields of historical research and writing, the history of education has been deeply affected by international social and political upheaval occurring since the 1960s. In this regard, as chapters weigh the influence of revisionist perspectives at various points in time, they take particular note of those arising after that time. In discussing changing viewpoints, their authors consider how schooling and other educational experiences have been shaped by the larger social and political context, and how these influences have affected the experiences of students, their families, and the educators who have worked with them. Each chapter includes notes and a bibliography for readers interested in further study.

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Pierre Porcher-Ancelle (31 août 2021). Parution – John L. Rury et Eileen H. Tamura (eds.), “The Oxford handbook of the history of education”, Oxford, 2019. LE PUPITRE · HISTOIRE DE L'ÉDUCATION. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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