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Parution – “Cultivating Children and Youth: Transnational Explorations of the Urban and the Natural”, History of Education, Volume 49, Issue 4 (2020)

Editorial: Cultivating children and youth: transnational explorations of the urban and the natural

Ian GrosvenorFrederik Herman & Siân Roberts

‘Nature’ in German colonial literature for children and young people

Elke Kleinau & Lilli Riettiens

The urban and the natural in education reform: the development of Hamburg Schullandheime (rural school hostels) in the 1920s

Christine Mayer

Natura et urbis in the socio-educational renovation of Barcelona City Council (1909–1933)

Francisca Comas Rubí & Sara González Gómez

Cultivating an ‘earthly paradise’: nature, informal education, and the contested politics of youth citizenship, 1910s–1940s

Siân Roberts

‘Dirt and the child’: a textual and visual exploration of children’s physical engagement with the urban and the natural world

Ian Grosvenor & Kevin Myers

The multiple logics of school gardening: a ‘return to nature’ or ‘love of labour’?

Elsie Rockwell

Images of industrial life and vocational training: Scouting as a liminal space for educating a workers’ elite in 1920s Luxembourg

Frederik Herman & Karin Priem

From savages to capitalists: progressive images of education in the UK and the USA (1920–1939)

Sjaak Braster & María del Mar del Pozo Andrés

Parution – “Història de l’educació d’adults en la segona meitat del segle XX” [Histoire de l’éducation des adultes pendant la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle], revue Educació i Història, n°36, 2020

Monographic theme

Presentation. History of Adult Education in the second half of the 20th centuryPDF
Segundo Moyano Mangas13-23
Educating from socially deprived areas. «Freire» Adults’ School (Nou Barris, Barcelona, 1972-1986)PDF
Enrique Tudela Vázquez25-42
From illiteracy to the program of continuing education for adults in twentieth-century SpainPDF
Manel Martí Puig43-68
From «Adult Education» to «A Lifelong Process of Education for Everybody» in UruguayPDF
Jorge Camors, Gianela Turnes, Eduardo Rodríguez, Yliana Rodríguez, Noel Cordano69-95
Adult education and DemocracyPDF
Lidia Mercedes Rodríguez97-111
Education of adults in the Community of Madrid during the last two decades of the 20th centuryPDF
Miguel Ángel Martínez Martínez113-127
Adult education and the struggle against illiteracy in the Italian Mezzogiorno in the first half of the 20th centuryPDF
Brunella Serpe129-142


Adults’ Schools and Mobile Libraries (1913): the reaction of the Spanish ecclesiastical hierarchy. Files from the Apostolic Vatican ArchivesPDF
Pere Fullana Puigserver145-159
The White Book and the Education Law of 1970 according to José Blat GimenoPDF
Amparo Blat Gimeno161-175

Parution – “Pedagogies on the Margins in the 20th Century”, revue Educació i Història, n° 34, 2019

Presentation. Pedagogies on the Margins in the 20th CenturyPDF
Andrés Payà Rico, Sergio Valero Gómez9-18
The Home Front: Early Childhood Care and Education during the Great War in Bologna (Italy)PDF
Mirella D’Ascenzo19-42
Expulsion, emotion and refugee children: forced European migration and refugee pedagogy (1912-1947)PDF
Kevin Myers, Siân Roberts43-63
Education as a Battlefield: School Desegregation in the United States (1954-1980)PDF
Aurora Bosch65-91
Education Policy for Indigenous People in Southern Brazil: the Introduction of Schools for the Kaingang (1910-1967)PDF
Maria Aparecida Bergamaschi, Juliana Schneider Medeiros93-120
Slow education from a historical perspective: conceptualization, development and its concretion in Waldorf Childminders in SpainPDF
Patricia Quiroga Uceda, Silvia Sánchez Serrano121-147
Schools at War in 1970s Barcelona: Pedagogical Renewal from a Class PerspectivePDF
Albert Torrent i Font, Jordi Feu Gelis149-179


The Boy Scouts in Spain (1913-1915): Distrust and Divisions in Spanish EpiscopacyPDF
Pere Fullana Puigserver183-199

Parution – “Images, discourses and texts in history of Education. Current methodological challenges”, revue Historia y Memoria de la Educación, No. 10 (2019)


Special Issue

Historical Researches

Sélection de plus de 300 articles parus en histoire de l’éducation pendant l’année 2020 (revue mondiale)

Compilation de la veille faite chaque mois sur H-Education par Rick Mikulski, MLS, PhD, Assistant Professor & Librarian à la Portland State University

Janvier 2020

  • Arnaldo Briskievicz, Danilo. “A educação no Brasil colonial a partir do Serro/MG (1702 a 1758). [Education in Serro/MG, colonial Brazil (1702-1758).]” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, Vol. 7 Issue 1, p205-225.
  • D’ALESSIO, Michela. “The «New School» of Basilicata in Mid-twentieth Century. Arturo Arcomano’s Contribution for a Different Education in Southern Italy.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 47-67.
  • DALLABRIDA, Norberto. “The Experimental Classes: Different Secondary Education in Brazil in 1950s and 1960s.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 133-146.
  • D’Ascenzo, Mirella. “Pedagogic Alternatives in Italy after the Second World War: the Experience of the Movimento di Cooperazione Educativa and Bruno Ciari’s New School in Bologna.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, 2020, Vol. 7 Issue 1, p69-87.
  • GROVES, Tamar. “Professional Advocacy in Education. The Legacy of the 1960s Students’ Protest and the Forging of a Social-Professional Identity among Teachers (Spain, 1970-1982).” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación. v. 7, n. 1, p. 163-180, jan. 2020.
  • Lowe, Roy. “The charitable status of elite schools: the origins of a national scandal” History of Education, January 2020, Vol.49(1), pp.4-17.
  • MACHADO TRUJILLO, Cristian. “The Technological Boom in Schools in the 80s: an Approximation to the Spanish ATENEA Programme.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 247-262, jan. 2020.
  • MANGAL, Aarti. “A century of teacher education in India: 1883-1985.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 263-285, jan. 2020.
  • McCormack, Christopher F. “Society, science and institutionally-embodied higher education reform in nineteenth-century Ireland: the role of mobile, professional elites in fashioning reform.” History of Education; Jan2020, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p18-37.
  • Meşeci Giorgetti, Filiz. “Nation-building in Turkey through ritual pedagogy: the late Ottoman and early Turkish Republican era.” History of Education; Jan2020, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p77-103.
  • ROBERT, André D; JEAN-YVES, Seguy. “The French Classes Nouvelles (1945-1952): Why is it so Difficult to Change Traditional Pedagogy?” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 27-45, jan. 2020.    
  • Rosnes, Ellen Vea. “A time of destiny for Norwegian mission schools in Zululand and Natal under the policy of Bantu Education (1948–1955).” History of Education; Jan2020, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p104-125.
  • VISACOVSKY, Nerina. “Between State and Private Education: the Ideological Dilemma of Argentine Progressive Jews (1955-1995).” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 287-313, jan. 2020.
Continuer la lecture de « Sélection de plus de 300 articles parus en histoire de l’éducation pendant l’année 2020 (revue mondiale) »

Publication – História da educação, vol. 20/1, 2020 (Brésil)

