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Parution – Anne-Marie Chartier, “L’école et l’écriture obligatoire”, Retz, 2022

Cet ouvrage constitue la première histoire, au long cours, de l’apprentissage de l’écriture en France.

Écrire, c’est tracer des lettres, mais c’est aussi un ensemble d’activités de copie, de rédaction, de production de textes, dont le rôle et la place a varié au cours des siècles.

Comment les élèves ont-ils appris à écrire depuis l’époque gallo-romaine et comment cet apprentissage s’est-il articulé avec celui de la lecture ? Comment doit-on désormais assurer cet apprentissage, alors que certains réclament l’abandon des stylos au profit des seuls claviers ?

Pour comprendre cette histoire et les enjeux contemporains, ce livre refait le parcours des écritures scolaires. Il montre comment les maîtres des écoles paroissiales, communales, publiques, confrontés eux-aussi à des situations « impensables » pour la génération d’avant, ont inventé, rodé, adapté, transformé la panoplie des procédés hérités pour faire entrer les écoliers en écriture.

Un ouvrage organisé en 4 grandes parties :

  1. Les langues d’écriture et le geste d’écrire
  2. L’écriture et la mémoire des textes
  3. L’écriture obligatoire de l’école républicaine
  4. Se mettre à écrire à l’école : les discours et les pratiques

Parution – Christoffer Åhlman, “Mötet med det skrivna ordet: Kvinnors läsande och skrivande under 1700-talet” [La rencontre avec l’écrit : la lecture et l’écriture des femmes au XVIIIe siècle], Uppsala University Publications, 2019

This thesis study how women in 18th century Sweden used reading and writing and how these skills could be a source of income. Historians have studied how many could read during this period or how writing was taught in the parish school. How these skills were used have, however, been overlooked. The main questions are: How, and in which circumstances, did women use reading and writing? Who were these women? What type of return did reading and writing have?

To study how literacy was used is not without difficulty. The traces are often scattered in different types of source material. Several types of sources material have therefore been analyzed. Material like moving certificates, funeral sermons, personals, account books, verifications, church protocols, contracts, court records, recipes amongst others have been used.

This thesis shows that women used reading and writing in different ways. There were not a question of one type of literacy but different types of literacies – it depended on the situation. A writing ability that was limited in one situation could be sufficient in another. By focus on social practice, this thesis argues that women´s reading and writing could have different types of return depending on individual and situation.

Parution – Nicola McLelland et Richard Smith (eds.), “The History of Language Learning and Teaching”, volume 1, “16th-18th Century Europe”, Legenda, 2018

This three-volume set brings together current research in the history of language learning and teaching (HoLLT) in Europe and beyond. Providing the first overview of research in the field, it will be an indispensable reference for teachers, teacher educators and all those interested in the history of language learning and teaching and the history of applied linguistics avant la lettre.

Volume I presents the history of how languages were learnt and taught across Europe, from Russia and Scandinavia to the Iberian peninsula, up to about 1800. Case studies deal with the teaching and learning of French, Italian, German and Portuguese, as well as Latin, still the first ‘foreign language’ for many learners in this period.

Nicola McLelland is Professor of German and History of Linguistics at the University of Nottingham. She has published widely in the history of German linguistics and the history of language learning, and is co-editor of the journal Language & History.

Richard Smith is a Reader in English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick. Founder of the Warwick ELT Archive and the AILA Research Network on History of Language Learning and Teaching, he has been active in the fields of historical research and teacher-research in language education.