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Parution – “Identities, internationalism, pacificism and education”, revue Historia y Memoria de la Educación, No. 12 (2020)


Special Issue

Historical Researches



Parution – Varia, revue Paedagogica Historica, Volume 57, Issue 4 (2021)

Sélection de plus de 170 articles parus en histoire de l’éducation entre janvier et juin 2021 (revue mondiale)

Compilation de la veille faite chaque mois sur H-Education par Rick Mikulski, MLS, PhD, Assistant Professor & Librarian à la Portland State University


Alber, Julia M.; Allegrante, John P.  ; Auld, M. Elaine ; Breny, Jean. “Looking Back and Moving Forward: SOPHE’s 70 Years of Contributions to Health Education” Health Education & Behavior, v47 n6 p793-801 Dec 2020. [note: SOPHE is Society for Public Health Education]

Choi, Jamyung. “The Consolidating the Collar Line: The Professionalization of Engineering and Social Stratification in Modern Japan,” International Labor and Working-Class History No. 98, Fall 2020, pp. 216–236.

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Sélection de plus de 300 articles parus en histoire de l’éducation pendant l’année 2020 (revue mondiale)

Compilation de la veille faite chaque mois sur H-Education par Rick Mikulski, MLS, PhD, Assistant Professor & Librarian à la Portland State University

Janvier 2020

  • Arnaldo Briskievicz, Danilo. “A educação no Brasil colonial a partir do Serro/MG (1702 a 1758). [Education in Serro/MG, colonial Brazil (1702-1758).]” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, Vol. 7 Issue 1, p205-225.
  • D’ALESSIO, Michela. “The «New School» of Basilicata in Mid-twentieth Century. Arturo Arcomano’s Contribution for a Different Education in Southern Italy.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 47-67.
  • DALLABRIDA, Norberto. “The Experimental Classes: Different Secondary Education in Brazil in 1950s and 1960s.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 133-146.
  • D’Ascenzo, Mirella. “Pedagogic Alternatives in Italy after the Second World War: the Experience of the Movimento di Cooperazione Educativa and Bruno Ciari’s New School in Bologna.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, 2020, Vol. 7 Issue 1, p69-87.
  • GROVES, Tamar. “Professional Advocacy in Education. The Legacy of the 1960s Students’ Protest and the Forging of a Social-Professional Identity among Teachers (Spain, 1970-1982).” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación. v. 7, n. 1, p. 163-180, jan. 2020.
  • Lowe, Roy. “The charitable status of elite schools: the origins of a national scandal” History of Education, January 2020, Vol.49(1), pp.4-17.
  • MACHADO TRUJILLO, Cristian. “The Technological Boom in Schools in the 80s: an Approximation to the Spanish ATENEA Programme.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 247-262, jan. 2020.
  • MANGAL, Aarti. “A century of teacher education in India: 1883-1985.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 263-285, jan. 2020.
  • McCormack, Christopher F. “Society, science and institutionally-embodied higher education reform in nineteenth-century Ireland: the role of mobile, professional elites in fashioning reform.” History of Education; Jan2020, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p18-37.
  • Meşeci Giorgetti, Filiz. “Nation-building in Turkey through ritual pedagogy: the late Ottoman and early Turkish Republican era.” History of Education; Jan2020, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p77-103.
  • ROBERT, André D; JEAN-YVES, Seguy. “The French Classes Nouvelles (1945-1952): Why is it so Difficult to Change Traditional Pedagogy?” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 27-45, jan. 2020.    
  • Rosnes, Ellen Vea. “A time of destiny for Norwegian mission schools in Zululand and Natal under the policy of Bantu Education (1948–1955).” History of Education; Jan2020, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p104-125.
  • VISACOVSKY, Nerina. “Between State and Private Education: the Ideological Dilemma of Argentine Progressive Jews (1955-1995).” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 287-313, jan. 2020.
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Parution – Sélections d’articles en histoire de l’éducation

Parution – Jussi Välimaa, “A History of Finnish Higher Education from the Middle Ages to the 21st Century”, 2020.

This book unravels the origins, continuities, and discontinuities of Finnish higher education as part of European higher education from the Middle Ages to the 21st century. It describes the emergence of universities in the Middle Ages and the Finnish student, and  moves on to the Reformation and the end of Swedish rule. It then discusses the founding of the Royal Academy of Turku, its professors and governing bodies, its role as a community, student numbers, the research and controversies. Travelling through the age of autonomy, the first decades of independence and the Second World War, the book examines the expansion of higher education, the development of the system, and the establishment of polytechnics. It concludes by analysing the multiple institutional and organisational layers of Finnish higher education. Altogether, the book offers an historical study that shows how and why education and higher education have been important in the process of making the Finnish nation and nation state.

Parution: War, Schooling and Education

Le dernier numéro de la revue War & Society consacre son dossier à “War, Schooling and Education” (33/1, 2014).


  • “War Pedagogy in the German Primary School Classroom During the First World War”, Carolyn Kay
  • “Teacher Education in Finland during the War Years, 1939–45”, Merja Paksuniemi, Satu Uusiautti and Kaarina Määttä
  • “Education in Turmoil: Developments in Belgian Catholic Education in the Face of National Socialism in the 1940”, Sarah Van Ruyskensvelde
  • “Imagining a Democratic Future, Forgetting a Worrisome Past: Educational Policy, School Textbooks, and Teachers under the Franco Regime”, Tamar Groves and Cecilia Milito Barone