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Parution – John L. Rury et Eileen H. Tamura (eds.), “The Oxford handbook of the history of education”, Oxford, 2019

This handbook offers a global perspective on the historical development of educational institutions, systems of schooling, ideas about education, and educational experiences. Sections deal with questions of theory and methods, ancient and medieval education, the rise of national school systems, the development of universities in different contexts, problems of inequality and discrimination in education, and reform and institutional change. Specific chapters discuss colonialism and anticolonial struggles, indigenous education, gender issues in education, higher education systems, educational reform, urban and rural education, the education of minority groups, comparative, international, and transnational education, childhood and education, nonformal and informal education, and a range of other topics. Chapters consider changing scholarship in the field, connect nationally oriented works by comparing themes and approaches, and provide suggestions for further research and analysis. Like many other subfields of historical research and writing, the history of education has been deeply affected by international social and political upheaval occurring since the 1960s. In this regard, as chapters weigh the influence of revisionist perspectives at various points in time, they take particular note of those arising after that time. In discussing changing viewpoints, their authors consider how schooling and other educational experiences have been shaped by the larger social and political context, and how these influences have affected the experiences of students, their families, and the educators who have worked with them. Each chapter includes notes and a bibliography for readers interested in further study.

Parution – “Medieval and Early Modern Education”, History of Education Quarterly, Volume 61 – Special Issue 2 – May 2021

Special Issue on Medieval and Early Modern Education

Editorial Introduction

150 Trends in the History of Medieval and Early Modern Education in HEQ

Christopher Carlsmith


Marking Time, Making Community in Medieval Schools

Sarah B. Lynch

Women ’s Education and Literacy in England, 1066–1540

Megan J. Hall

A Duchess “given to contemplation”: The Education of Margaret Cavendish

E Mariah Spencer

Parution – “Modelos de financiación, instituciones estatales y tendencias económicas en las universidades (siglos XIV – XVI)” [Modèles de financement, institutions étatiques et tendances économiques des universités (XIVe-XVIe siècles)], CIAN- Revista de Historia de las Universidades, Vol. 24, Núm. 1 (2021)


Modelos de financiación, instituciones estatales y tendencias económicas en las universidades (siglos XIV – XVI)
Hermenegildo Fernandes


La financiación de la Universidad de Roma (siglos XIV-XV)
Carla Frova
La financiación de la Universidad de Perugia (siglos XIV-XV)
Stefania Zucchini
Las universidades papales: fuentes y perspectivas de investigación sobre finanzas y financiación en Bolonia en la temprana Edad Moderna
Maria Teresa Guerrini
El papel socioeconómico de las universidades parisinas medievales a través de la base de datos Studium Parisiense
Jean-Philippe Genet, Thierry Kouamé, Stéphane Lamassé
La financiación de las universidades hispanas durante el período medieval (siglos XIII-XV)
Susana Guijarro González

Sélection de plus de 170 articles parus en histoire de l’éducation entre janvier et juin 2021 (revue mondiale)

Compilation de la veille faite chaque mois sur H-Education par Rick Mikulski, MLS, PhD, Assistant Professor & Librarian à la Portland State University


Alber, Julia M.; Allegrante, John P.  ; Auld, M. Elaine ; Breny, Jean. “Looking Back and Moving Forward: SOPHE’s 70 Years of Contributions to Health Education” Health Education & Behavior, v47 n6 p793-801 Dec 2020. [note: SOPHE is Society for Public Health Education]

Choi, Jamyung. “The Consolidating the Collar Line: The Professionalization of Engineering and Social Stratification in Modern Japan,” International Labor and Working-Class History No. 98, Fall 2020, pp. 216–236.

Continuer la lecture de « Sélection de plus de 170 articles parus en histoire de l’éducation entre janvier et juin 2021 (revue mondiale) »

Sarah B. Lynch, “Elementary and grammar education in late medieval France : Lyon, 1285-1530”, Amsterdam UP, 2017

The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries saw a marked increase in the availability of elementary and grammar education in Europe. In France, that rise took the form of a unique blend of trends also seen elsewhere in Europe, ranging from Church-dominated schools to independent schools and communal groups of teachers. Lyon, long a crossroad of ideas from north and south, was home to a particularly interesting blend of approaches, and in this book Sarah Lynch offers a close analysis of the educational landscape of the city, showing how schools and teachers were organised and how they interacted with each other and with ecclesiastical and municipal authorities.

Publication – Véronique Dasen et Patricia Gaillard-Seux (textes réunis par), Accueil et soin de l’enfant (Antiquité, Moyen Âge), revue “Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l’Ouest”, 2017

Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017.
Continuer la lecture de « Publication – Véronique Dasen et Patricia Gaillard-Seux (textes réunis par), Accueil et soin de l’enfant (Antiquité, Moyen Âge), revue “Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l’Ouest”, 2017 »