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Parution – “Les transmissions religieuses face à la sécularisation”, n° 155, revue Histoire de l’éducation, 2021


Anne Jusseaume et Sarah Scholl

Les transmissions religieuses face à la sécularisation Religious Transmissions in the Secular Age

Jean-Charles Buttier

L’enseignement de la morale pendant la Révolution française : un état des lieux historiographique Moral education during the French Revolution: a historiographical review

Charles Mercier

Les Journées mondiales de la jeunesse comme dispositifs de transmission religieuse (1985-2019) World Youth Days as a means for transmitting religion

Samuel Gicquel

La transmission religieuse dans les lycées catholiques bretons (XIXe-XXe siècles) Religious transmission in the Catholic educational institutions of Brittany (19th-21st centuries)

Bénédicte Toucheboeuf

Les changements dans la catéchèse des années 1960 en France : une rupture dans la transmission de la foi ? Changes in catechesis in the 1960s in France: a breach in the transmission of faith?

Émilie Pontanier

Choisir une école secondaire française à Tunis dans les années 2010 : stratégie sociale d’entre-soi ou liberté de conscience et transmission religieuse ? Choosing a French secondary school in Tunis in the 2010s: a social strategy for community-based exclusivity or freedom of conscience and religion?


Marcel Grandière

Entre demande sociale et conflits de pouvoirs : les écoles de Brissac en Anjou (vers 1450-1540) Between social demands and power conflicts. The schools of Brissac in Anjou (circa 1450-1540)

Karina Bénazech Wendling

De la charité religieuse au contrôle séculier de l’État : le rôle de l’Irish Society for Promoting the Education of the Native Irish through their own Language dans la mise en place d’une éducation nationale en Irlande (1800-1845) From religious charity to secular State control: the role of the Irish Society for Promoting the Education of the Native Irish through their own Language in the implementation of national education in Ireland (1800-1845)

Pascal Clerc

La formation d’un regard : la colonisation dans les manuels de géographie du secondaire (1873-1951) Shaping a viewpoint: colonization in secondary school geography textbooks (1873-1951)

Notes critiques

Thierry Kouamé

WEJWODA (Marek), Sächsische Rechtspraxis und gelehrte Jurisprudenz. Studien zu den rechtspraktischen Texten und zum Werk des Leipziger Juristen Dietrich von Bocksdorf (ca. 1410-1466) Hannovre, Hahn, 2012 (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Studien und Texte, 54), XXX-318 p.

Sylvène Édouard

MORMICHE (Pascale), Le petit Louis XV. Enfance d’un prince, genèse d’un roi (1704-1725) Ceysérieu, Champ Vallon, 2018, 422 p.

Marie-Élise Hunyadi

MONNIER (Anne), Le temps des dissertations. Chronique de l’accès des jeunes filles aux études supérieures (Genève XIXe-XXe) Genève, Droz, 2018, 360 p.

Laurent Gutierrez

PALLUAU (Nicolas), La fabrique des pédagogues. Encadrer les colonies de vacances, 1919-1939 Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 301 p.

Yves Verneuil

DALANÇON (Alain), DRAGONI (Josiane), DREVON (Jean-Michel) (coord.), BRESSAN (Eugenio), FÉRAY (Anne), LAFONTAN (Jean), LEIDET (Gérard), SPRINGSFIELDS (Marin), SZAJNFELD (Raphaël), Histoire de la FSU, t. 2 : dans la cour des grands (1997-2010) Paris, Syllepse, 2019, 281 p.

Jérôme Krop

DORISON (Catherine), CHEVALIER (Jean-Pierre), BELHADJIN (Anissa), ELALOUF (Marie-Laure), LOPEZ (Maryse), Des écoles normales à l’ESPÉ. Témoignages de formateurs Grenoble, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2018, 237 p.


Français/French : Partant du constat que les institutions religieuses et les initiatives qu’elles portent ont une place importante dans l’histoire de l’éducation, ce dossier analyse les modalités de la transmission religieuse, en particulier en milieu catholique mais non exclusivement, et en élargissant la perspective par rapport aux institutions scolaires. Sont examinés différents lieux, acteurs et événements qui concourent, en parallèle à la construction de l’école laïque et parfois en réaction à celle-ci, à maintenir et transformer le processus de transmission religieuse (savoirs, savoir-être, rituels et identités) à l’ère de la sécularisation. Les articles traitent d’une part de l’école et de son statut – privé ou public, religieux ou laïc – avec des exemples français, ainsi que l’étude d’un cas paradoxal, celui du choix par les parents d’un établissement français en Tunisie. Ils montrent que parents et institutions (État ou Églises) négocient, depuis la Révolution, pour conjuguer transmission scolaire, morale et religieuse ou areligieuse, et sont à la recherche de fragiles et provisoires compromis. D’autre part, les articles étudient des initiatives émanant des Églises pour contrecarrer la sécularisation et la laïcisation scolaire, tant en matière de réforme du catéchisme que d’événements comme les Journées mondiales de la jeunesse. Couvrant deux siècles d’histoire, ce dossier montre que la sécularisation de la société n’élimine pas la transmission religieuse, mais amène à une diversification de ses formes, avec un réinvestissement de l’espace public par les acteurs religieux.

English/Anglais : Building on the premise that religious institutions and the initiatives that they engender have an important place in the history of education, this special issue analyses the methods by which the various aspects of religious tradition and heritage are transmitted, in particular but not exclusively in Catholic milieus, by enlarging the perspective relative to educational institutions. We examine various places, actors and events that converge parallel to the construction of secular schools and sometimes in reaction to them, to maintain and transform the process of religious transmission (knowledge, soft skills and identities) in the period of secularization. The articles deal with schools and their status – private or public, religious or lay – with French examples, but also the study of a paradoxical case, in Tunisia, of parents choosing a French secular school for their children. They show that, since the Revolution, parents and institutions (state or church) have been negotiating to commingle educational, moral and religious or areligious transmission, in a search for fragile and temporary compromises. Simultaneously, the articles study initiatives emanating from churches to counter educational secularization and laicization, such as a reform of the catechism and events like the World Youth Day. Covering two centuries of history, this special issue shows that the secularization of society does not preclude religious transmission but leads to a diversification of its forms, with a renewed focus by religious actors into the public sphere.

Parution – “Varia”, History of Education, Volume 49, Issue 3 (2020)

Comenius, moral and pious education, and the why, when and how of school discipline

Björn Norlin

Challenging the bifurcation of nature: women workers’ education through process philosophy

Maria Tamboukou

Science in the making: 1930s citizen science on the BBC

Allan Jones

A history of higher and professional correspondence education in the UK

Stephen A. Hunt

Communism, anti-communism and education in Greece from the Axis occupation until the early Cold War era (1944–1967)

Sofia Iliadou-Tachou

Reforming education in post-partition Northern Ireland: state control and churches’ interference

Cecilia Biaggi

Folded Files, Unfolding Narratives: Psycho-Pedagogical Observation in the Belgian Juvenile Reformatories, 1912–1945.

Sarah Van Ruyskensvelde & Laura Nys

Parution – “Varia”, History of Education, Volume 49, Issue 1 (2020)


Heather EllisMark Freeman & Stephanie Olsen

The charitable status of elite schools: the origins of a national scandal

Roy Lowe

Society, science and institutionally-embodied higher education reform in nineteenth-century Ireland: the role of mobile, professional elites in fashioning reform

Christopher F. McCormack

In search of a moral standard: debates over ethics education and religion in Meiji Japan

Zibo Lin & Hanyang Lu

More than a mere footnote: the department of military studies, University of Sydney, 1907-1915

William Westerman

Nation-building in Turkey through ritual pedagogy: the late Ottoman and early Turkish Republican era

Dr. Filiz Meşeci Giorgetti

A time of destiny for Norwegian mission schools in Zululand and Natal under the policy of Bantu Education (1948–1955)

Ellen Vea Rosnes

Sélection de plus de 170 articles parus en histoire de l’éducation entre janvier et juin 2021 (revue mondiale)

Compilation de la veille faite chaque mois sur H-Education par Rick Mikulski, MLS, PhD, Assistant Professor & Librarian à la Portland State University


Alber, Julia M.; Allegrante, John P.  ; Auld, M. Elaine ; Breny, Jean. “Looking Back and Moving Forward: SOPHE’s 70 Years of Contributions to Health Education” Health Education & Behavior, v47 n6 p793-801 Dec 2020. [note: SOPHE is Society for Public Health Education]

Choi, Jamyung. “The Consolidating the Collar Line: The Professionalization of Engineering and Social Stratification in Modern Japan,” International Labor and Working-Class History No. 98, Fall 2020, pp. 216–236.

Continuer la lecture de « Sélection de plus de 170 articles parus en histoire de l’éducation entre janvier et juin 2021 (revue mondiale) »

Parution – Judith Harford (ed.), “Education for All? The Legacy of Free Post-Primary Education in Ireland”, Peter Lang, 2018

Judith Harford is Professor of Education at the School of Education, University College Dublin. She has published internationally in the fields of history of education and teacher education policy. She is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (London) and the Massachusetts Historical Society (USA) and an International Clinical Practice Fellow of the American Association of Teacher Educators.

Sélection de plus de 300 articles parus en histoire de l’éducation pendant l’année 2020 (revue mondiale)

Compilation de la veille faite chaque mois sur H-Education par Rick Mikulski, MLS, PhD, Assistant Professor & Librarian à la Portland State University

Janvier 2020

  • Arnaldo Briskievicz, Danilo. “A educação no Brasil colonial a partir do Serro/MG (1702 a 1758). [Education in Serro/MG, colonial Brazil (1702-1758).]” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, Vol. 7 Issue 1, p205-225.
  • D’ALESSIO, Michela. “The «New School» of Basilicata in Mid-twentieth Century. Arturo Arcomano’s Contribution for a Different Education in Southern Italy.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 47-67.
  • DALLABRIDA, Norberto. “The Experimental Classes: Different Secondary Education in Brazil in 1950s and 1960s.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 133-146.
  • D’Ascenzo, Mirella. “Pedagogic Alternatives in Italy after the Second World War: the Experience of the Movimento di Cooperazione Educativa and Bruno Ciari’s New School in Bologna.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, 2020, Vol. 7 Issue 1, p69-87.
  • GROVES, Tamar. “Professional Advocacy in Education. The Legacy of the 1960s Students’ Protest and the Forging of a Social-Professional Identity among Teachers (Spain, 1970-1982).” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación. v. 7, n. 1, p. 163-180, jan. 2020.
  • Lowe, Roy. “The charitable status of elite schools: the origins of a national scandal” History of Education, January 2020, Vol.49(1), pp.4-17.
  • MACHADO TRUJILLO, Cristian. “The Technological Boom in Schools in the 80s: an Approximation to the Spanish ATENEA Programme.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 247-262, jan. 2020.
  • MANGAL, Aarti. “A century of teacher education in India: 1883-1985.” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 263-285, jan. 2020.
  • McCormack, Christopher F. “Society, science and institutionally-embodied higher education reform in nineteenth-century Ireland: the role of mobile, professional elites in fashioning reform.” History of Education; Jan2020, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p18-37.
  • Meşeci Giorgetti, Filiz. “Nation-building in Turkey through ritual pedagogy: the late Ottoman and early Turkish Republican era.” History of Education; Jan2020, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p77-103.
  • ROBERT, André D; JEAN-YVES, Seguy. “The French Classes Nouvelles (1945-1952): Why is it so Difficult to Change Traditional Pedagogy?” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, v. 7, n. 1, p. 27-45, jan. 2020.    
  • Rosnes, Ellen Vea. “A time of destiny for Norwegian mission schools in Zululand and Natal under the policy of Bantu Education (1948–1955).” History of Education; Jan2020, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p104-125.
  • VISACOVSKY, Nerina. “Between State and Private Education: the Ideological Dilemma of Argentine Progressive Jews (1955-1995).” Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 287-313, jan. 2020.
Continuer la lecture de « Sélection de plus de 300 articles parus en histoire de l’éducation pendant l’année 2020 (revue mondiale) »

Parution – Sélections d’articles en histoire de l’éducation

Publication – Liam Chambers et Thomas O’Connor (eds.), “College communities abroad. Education, migration and Catholicism in early modern Europe”, 2017.

This book repositions early modern Catholic abroad colleges in their interconnected regional, national and transnational contexts. From the sixteenth century, Irish, English and Scots Catholics founded more than fifty colleges in France, Flanders, Spain, Portugal, the Papal States and the Habsburg Empire. At the same time, Catholics in the Dutch Republic, the Scandinavian states and the Ottoman Empire faced comparable challenges and created similar institutions. Until their decline in the late-eighteenth century, tens of thousands of students passed through the colleges. Traditionally, these institutions were treated within limiting denominational and national contexts. This collection, at once building on and transcending inherited historiographies, explores the colleges’ institutional interconnectivity and their interlocking roles as instruments of regional communities, dynastic interests and international Catholicism.

Publication – “Expériences théâtrales et idéologies. Les conditions d’émergence du théâtre pour la jeunesse en Europe”, revue Strenæ. Recherches sur les livres et objets culturels de l’enfance


Sibylle Lesourd, Introduction

Giulia De Florio, Russian theatre for children and Marshak’s Teatr dlja detej [Texte intégral]

María del Mar Rebollo Calzada et Esther Laso y León, Le « Théâtre des enfants » de Jacinto Benavente
Anne Helgesen et Petra Helgesen, Innocent fun – Ideological shame. Fascism in Norwegian Children’s Theatre between the two World Wars