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Parution – “Cultivating Children and Youth: Transnational Explorations of the Urban and the Natural”, History of Education, Volume 49, Issue 4 (2020)

Editorial: Cultivating children and youth: transnational explorations of the urban and the natural

Ian GrosvenorFrederik Herman & Siân Roberts

‘Nature’ in German colonial literature for children and young people

Elke Kleinau & Lilli Riettiens

The urban and the natural in education reform: the development of Hamburg Schullandheime (rural school hostels) in the 1920s

Christine Mayer

Natura et urbis in the socio-educational renovation of Barcelona City Council (1909–1933)

Francisca Comas Rubí & Sara González Gómez

Cultivating an ‘earthly paradise’: nature, informal education, and the contested politics of youth citizenship, 1910s–1940s

Siân Roberts

‘Dirt and the child’: a textual and visual exploration of children’s physical engagement with the urban and the natural world

Ian Grosvenor & Kevin Myers

The multiple logics of school gardening: a ‘return to nature’ or ‘love of labour’?

Elsie Rockwell

Images of industrial life and vocational training: Scouting as a liminal space for educating a workers’ elite in 1920s Luxembourg

Frederik Herman & Karin Priem

From savages to capitalists: progressive images of education in the UK and the USA (1920–1939)

Sjaak Braster & María del Mar del Pozo Andrés

Parution – Varia, “Questões metodológicas em manualística” [Questions méthodologiques dans les manuels scolaires], “Processos de emancipação e educação na América” [Processus d’émancipation et d’éducation en Amérique], Revista Brasileira de História da Educação, v. 20 n. 1 (2020)


Artigos / Articles

Dossiê / Dossier : Questões metodológicas em manualística [Questions méthodologiques dans les manuels scolaires]

Dossiê / Dossier : Processos de emancipação e educação na América [Processus d’émancipation et d’éducation en Amérique]