Parution – “Medieval and Early Modern Education”, History of Education Quarterly, Volume 61 – Special Issue 2 – May 2021
Special Issue on Medieval and Early Modern Education
Editorial Introduction
150 Trends in the History of Medieval and Early Modern Education in HEQ
Christopher Carlsmith
Marking Time, Making Community in Medieval Schools
Sarah B. Lynch
Women ’s Education and Literacy in England, 1066–1540
Megan J. Hall
A Duchess “given to contemplation”: The Education of Margaret Cavendish
E Mariah Spencer
Parution – “Modelos de financiación, instituciones estatales y tendencias económicas en las universidades (siglos XIV – XVI)” [Modèles de financement, institutions étatiques et tendances économiques des universités (XIVe-XVIe siècles)], CIAN- Revista de Historia de las Universidades, Vol. 24, Núm. 1 (2021)
Modelos de financiación, instituciones estatales y tendencias económicas en las universidades (siglos XIV – XVI) Hermenegildo Fernandes | PDF (ENGLISH) 5-13 |
La financiación de la Universidad de Perugia (siglos XIV-XV) Stefania Zucchini | PDF (ENGLISH) 34-62 |
Las universidades papales: fuentes y perspectivas de investigación sobre finanzas y financiación en Bolonia en la temprana Edad Moderna Maria Teresa Guerrini | PDF (ENGLISH) 63-81 |
El papel socioeconómico de las universidades parisinas medievales a través de la base de datos Studium Parisiense Jean-Philippe Genet, Thierry Kouamé, Stéphane Lamassé | PDF (ENGLISH) 82-125 |
La financiación de las universidades hispanas durante el período medieval (siglos XIII-XV) Susana Guijarro González | PDF 126-149 |
Sarah B. Lynch, “Elementary and grammar education in late medieval France : Lyon, 1285-1530”, Amsterdam UP, 2017
The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries saw a marked increase in the availability of elementary and grammar education in Europe. In France, that rise took the form of a unique blend of trends also seen elsewhere in Europe, ranging from Church-dominated schools to independent schools and communal groups of teachers. Lyon, long a crossroad of ideas from north and south, was home to a particularly interesting blend of approaches, and in this book Sarah Lynch offers a close analysis of the educational landscape of the city, showing how schools and teachers were organised and how they interacted with each other and with ecclesiastical and municipal authorities.
Parution – Sonja Brentjes, “Teaching and Learning the Sciences in Islamicate Societies (800-1700)”, Brepols, 2018
his book provides for the first time a survey of the important features of educational activities and structures in various Islamicate societies between 800 and 1700 with regard to the mathematical and occult sciences, medicine, and natural philosophy.
This book surveys teaching and learning in the mathematical and occult sciences, medicine and natural philosophy in various Islamicate societies between 800 and 1700. It focuses in particular on Egypt and Syria between 1200 and 1600, but looks also at developments in Iran, India, Anatolia, and Iraq. It discusses institutions of teaching and learning such as house and court teachers, madrasas, hospitals, in-family teaching, and travelling in search of knowledge, as well as the content of the various sciences taught by or at them. Methods of teaching and learning, teaching bestsellers and their geographical and temporal dissemination, as well as encyclopaedias and literature on the classification of the sciences are treated in further chapters.
Sonja Brentjes is researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. She has published widely on the history of mathematics, institutions, cartography, and cross-cultural encounters, mainly with regard to Islamicate societies, but also about parts of Christian Europe and South Asia.
AàC – Colloque international “Universities and witchcraft. In Europe between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period”, 9-10 Sept. 2021, Bologne
The Centro interuniversitario per la storia delle università italiane (CISUI) is hosting the
“Universities and Witchcraft in Europe between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period ” conference. The Conference theme is the involvement of Universities “as institutions”, over the issue of witchcraft from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age throughout Europe: west, east, Catholic, Protestant.
Decisions made by academic institutions throughout the period in question had a major cultural and social impact. Such was the case, for example, of the responsa issued by the College of Theologians of the University of Paris in 1398. They approved twenty-eight articles condemning not only Satan’s snares, the Devil’s Contracts and magical practices used to subjugate devils to his service, but condemned also the scepticism of those who did not believe in the articles’ effectiveness. The articles addressed issues relating to witchcraft and covered intellectuals “as professors”, students’ behaviours, attitudes, doctoral theses and dissertations, as well as university courses.
In the spirit of the above and by way of illustration, the main aspects (12th to 18th centuries) on which proposals for papers should be based are:
- The reactions of universities to cases in which their students and professors were formally
questioned over witchcraft; - University courses and responsa / consilia on matters of witchcraft;
- Doctoral theses and dissertations on witchcraft;
- Student behaviours, attitudes, and witchcraft (e.g. blasphemy and superstitions ventilating
witchcraft; provisions of university college statutes; provisions regarding student behaviour and parties; satirical compositions).
Alongside Italian, conference languages include French, English, Spanish and German.
Proposals (title and abstract of no more than ten lines, together with name, contact details, and a brief curriculum vitae) must be submitted to the Scientific Committee – professors Patrizia Castelli, Marco Cavina, Guido Dall’Olio, Maria Rosa Di Simone, and Vincenzo Lavenia) – by and no later than 16 November 2020 at the following email address: cisui.redazione [at] Responses to proposals will be sent by 21 December.
CISUI will arrange overnight hotel stay and meals for conference speakers, as well as
publication of conference papers in the CISUI series “Studi e ricerche sull’università”, Il Mulino Editore